Popular Questions and Their Answers on Quora

Quora has been growing rapidly as a question-answer platform since it started in 2009. It's a great platform to ask questions on any subject and get answers from people around the world. I have compiled a list of 5 of the most popular questions which are worth viewing once. Have a look.

1. What are some mind-blowing facts that sound like 'BS', but are actually true?
With more than 12 million views and 100+ answers, this question is at the top of the list of most popular questions on Quora. You would be amazed by reading some interesting facts and they will change the way you used to see those things. Click here to know the facts.

2. What can I learn/know right now in 10 minutes that will be useful for the rest of my life?
With more than 12 million views and 100+ answers, this is another question at the top of the list, and the answers to this question are really worth reading as some or many of them will be helpful and would change your life. Click here to know what you can learn in 10 minutes.

3. What are the most interesting facts you know?
Did you share an interesting fact you know? If not yet, do it. And read the facts shared by others. This question has more than 100 answers and is viewed more than 3 million times. Worth spending time to read the answers. Click here.

4. What are some of the most epic photos ever taken?
The Rock at the age 15!
The cloud on Nagasaki, 20 minutes after the atomic bombing in 1945.
Dogfight between British and German fighter planes in 1940.
A little girl, crawling slowly and painfully toward a food distribution center, and a vulture waiting for her to die so it can eat her.

These and many other epic photographs will leave you speechless. Click here and have a look at them.

5. Jobs and Careers: Why are so many people content with just earning a salary and working 9-6 their entire adult life?
This one is going to change your view about your life and the way you are leaving it. Click here to read the answers.

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