Before You Buy Know These Features of LED Grow Lights

Before You Buy Know These Features of LED Grow Lights

Over the past few years, grow lights for indoor projects have revolutionized the way we grow plants. Indoor grow lights directly affect the way enthusiasts and professionals achieve efficiency and the right environment with the least possible efforts. Today, many indoor growers turn to LED grow lights due to the numerous advantages they offer. Some characteristics of top quality and features of LED grow lights are their efficiency, durability, enhanced yields, formulated wavelengths, compactness, and stimulated plant growth.

These smart lighting solutions definitely bring about benefits, but for most people who plan to take up projects, choosing the right type is often a challenge. The truth is that the LED market offers a wide array of brands and models, with some confusing and sometimes, misleading product descriptions from the manufacturers.

You should know that choosing the wrong type of grow light could have adverse effects on all your indoor growing efforts, so you should make sure that you make a well-informed decision. Before you invest in LED lights, you should consider some important points including the location and the overall purpose of the grow space. As you read through below, you will learn about some of the features to look out for before you deice which grow light to use.

1. The Reputation of the Brand

There are several brands of LED grow lights in the marketplace. Each brand provides products variations. For several people, this makes the entire choice difficult, especially when it comes to considering that not all of the options are of the same quality. High quality grow lights, such as the Dorm Grow LED lights are popular amongst indoor growers because of the affordable price range and the adept growing qualities of the lights. In terms of the brand to choose, check for a company with a solid reputation and a good history of customer service. Checke this one the most important features of LED grow lights.

2. The Quality of the Lights

Another important characteristic to consider when choosing a grow light is the durability of the lights. Lamps manufactured with the best quality materials can last for at least 10 years (sometimes even longer). Often, this is a long time during which you will not have to worry about investing in new ones or making any changes to your grow space. It is recommended to choose the US made LEDs, which should comply with the highest standards of the industry with the best production elements.

3. Minimum Output of Heat

Heat output is an important factor when you choose LED grow lights because heat affects the plants and the durability of the light itself. With LEDs, you won’t have to worry about placing the plants in close proximity to the lights due to their low heat output. However, LEDs with larger chip sizes will generate more heat and have less thermal stability. The 3 Watt chip is the ideal size for the most growing application. Typically lights that contain 5 Watt and 10 Watt chips will run hotter and be less stable and require larger cooling elements, which result in a heavier and more expensive light. Keep in mind that a well-balanced minimum heat output LED lamp will consume less energy and put off less heat.

4. Consider the size of Growing Area

Another important factor to consider is the availability of space before you purchase LED lighting. The reason behind this is that the grow space determines the size of the lamp that you will need. Measure the size of your grow space. You will then determine the size of the lamps that you will need to properly cover that grow space. Often, a general guideline for growers is to use 20-30 watts of power output per square foot. The output or power draw of the lights will most likely be different from the nominal wattage, so make sure to check for the power draw in the specifications.

5. The Quality of the Semiconductor Chip

The semiconductor chip is the core part of a LED grow light which converts the electrical power to the light. It also determines the wavelength. Choosing a high quality grow light like a G8LED is critical to ensure the light functions optimally throughout the growing period.

LED grow lights are becoming a popular choice among growers who wish to take up indoor grow projects. Before you invest in these, it is advisable that you keep these features in mind. Take your time to go through the product description, the reviews, and ensure that you choose a good brand. The best quality LED grow lights will create a well-balanced environment and give years of performance for your indoor garden.

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