
Should I Choose CBD Vape Cartridges Over Tobacco Versions?

Should I Choose CBD Vape Cartridges Over Tobacco Versions?

Once upon a time, there was ana amazing thing invented called raw tobacco, the tobacco turned into manufacture cigarettes, all with the same shape and size, but come with different flavors and others with the original taste of the tobacco. People smoked these for several reasons including for leisure purposes, as a social thing, and some even became addicted to this stuff. Then came the roll-ups, which were a rawer form of a cigarette, and comprised of tobacco rolled up into a piece of paper and smoked.

After years of back and forth between public and government and health authorities, the conclusion was, tobacco was bad for you and can cause detrimental health issues such as cancer and gum disease, not to mention turns your teeth yellow, smells on your skin and hair and discolors your nails as well. Not to mention it bothers the public that doesn’t smoke.

In any case, when this happened and advertisement hit the media about how bad it is to smoke cigarettes. In the year 2007, in the country of the United States, this person or group of persons decided to find a solution for this where you could still smoke, but it won’t be as harmful to you as a typical cigarette. After careful deliberation, they invented a less harmful alternative and called it the "vape" or also known as an “e-cigarette”. Learn more about the difference here.

What Is A Vape?

It is a genius idea that kept people happy, even when their cigarettes were taken away from them. The idea behind vaping is to inhale and exhale the vapor. Thus, the name. The vapor is comprised of tiny particles that come from the liquid flavor that is attached to the base of the product.

This also has different options of liquid flavors that can be bought at specific stores that are licensed to sell tobacco products. The whole unit is created using a few components, namely, a mouthpiece, a cartridge where the liquid bottle is inserted which is essentially liquid tobacco, a battery, and something to power the device so it can work using a button that is pressed every time you inhale the smoke, and sometimes it just works automatically.

CBD and Vaping

CBD and Vaping

Some authorities have now started to realize that maybe vaping these liquid tobacco alternatives are not as good as users say they are in terms of health and addiction.

Besides the fact that it has numerous benefits, it is far better than pure tobacco, is comprised of 100% pure and natural ingredients, is 3rd party lab tested and organic with non-GMO labels on it. Plus, it has no additives or preservatives in it. What could get better than this

If you’re wondering if soon the authorities will say that even this is bad for your health. Think again because this is as pure as it gets and people have been smoking CBD for decades, without any side-effects or health risks. As long as you stick to the THC-free versions, you can kick your tobacco addiction to the curb and still enjoy smoking something that is ten times better for you than any artificially manufactured products on the market.

Benefits of ingesting pure CBD far out way that of ingesting tobacco, this is because they use tincture oils instead of raw products and the extraction processes are far less detrimental to health than those of tobacco which may not be as pure and would have been adulterated with other components to keep it looking and smelling appealing.

We as a user of the CBD version of vaping, which can be purchased on reputable online stores such as Cheefbotanicals, recommend using something a bit more on the natural side such as CBD or Cannabinoid extract from the hemp plant.

Point to note is that you cannot get high from smoking these types of vapes as they do not have the component with the psychoactive abilities, i.e. THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. These types of products contain extremely low to none of this agent in them. Neither can this substance cause any failed drug tests, in case your wondering. Each puff of smoke will give you only about 1 to 2 mg of the substance.

These are a great way to get your fix, and to do it safely while on the go.

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