Health and Fitness

How Juicing Helps In Reducing Depression?

How Juicing Helps In Reducing Depression?

Depression is a terrible thing that can severely affect an individual's life, but it’s great to see people being more aware of it in recent times. This world has lost too many lives to this illness. Some of us who want to overcome this illness turn to natural remedies in curing whatever may cause harm to their body. So I have researched and came to know that there are many fruits and vegetables that have been proven to help fight depression when you squeeze their essence out in a cup and go bottoms up. Depression is an illness of the mind, and it appears that providing your body with the right nutrients through juicing can help your brain in many ways.

What Is Depression?

Depression is a common illness faced by millions of people. Also, depression tends to affect more women than men, and anybody who deals with depression has a drastic effect on their physical and mental health. You can experience mood swings, eating and sleeping disorders, negative thoughts for oneself, and those around you. More serious effects can lead to strokes, or even to suicide.

People who have depression often have difficulty dealing with it themselves. That's why they need proper medical assistance; medication in the form of antidepressants and psychotherapy, for treating this illness. Some changes in lifestyle and consumption of food can also help in providing relief from depression.

How Can Juicing Help In Minimizing Depression?

Fruits and vegetables are full of beneficial nutrients and have been found to reduce depression in people who consume fruits and vegetables on a regular basis. However, since consuming loads of fruits and vegetables is not possible in one go, juicing them can help you get more amounts of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients that can be beneficial in dealing with depression. Among the foods that can be helpful in reducing depression are green leafy veggies, broccoli, ginger, turmeric, berries, citrus fruit, tomatoes, beetroot, watermelon, etc.

Juicing Recipes For Depression

What to juice in order to get antioxidant-rich drinks that can combat depression? Following recipes will help you fight depression, level your mind, and keep your mood stable and healthy. If you don't already have a juicer or are looking for an upgrade, here is the best juicer you can get your hands on.

1. Beets & Pineapple Juice:

Betaine in beets helps with depression while tryptophan helps relax the mind. The addition of other mood lifters such as pineapple gives you a perfect anti-depression recipe.


  • Beetroot

  • Two leaves of red cabbage

  • One medium carrot

  • A quarter of a pineapple

  • Spinach 

  • Orange


  • First, juice beetroot, pineapple, and carrot in a masticating juicer.

  • Then, add cabbage leaves and spinach.

  • Finally, add the juice of one orange.

Now that you have taken the juice out of all the fruits and veggies just give them a stir and drink up!

2. Cherries & Berries Juice:

Cherries and berries are packed with antioxidants and other nutrients. Hence, their juice will help you deal with depression.


  • Tart cherries (1 cup - deseeded)

  • Strawberries (1 cup)

  • Blueberries (1 cup)

  • Raspberries (1 cup)

  • 2 kiwi fruits

  • 2 medium apples


  1. First, juice the cherries and berries.

  2. Then, juice the kiwi fruits and apples.

Just mix them together and enjoy the drink.

3. Turmeric Juice:

Researchers claim that an anti-inflammatory compound found in turmeric, curcumin, is good for treating depression. Besides, this recipe has apples that are full of vitamin B and potassium - also depression fighters.


  • Medium apple

  • Medium carrot

  • Celery

  • Ginger root (1 thumb)

  • Lemon (peeled)

  • Medium pear

  • Turmeric root (6 thumbs)


  • First, juice apple, carrot, pear, turmeric, and ginger.

  • Then, juice celery.

  • Finally, add lemon.

Give all the juices a stir to combine them and drink!


4. Pomegranate Green Juice:

According to research, Pomegranate has been found to reduce depression. Moreover, greens are also considered antidepressants. Hence, this recipe will surely help you fight depression.


  • Medium apple

  • Celery (4 stalks)

  • Cucumber (1 or 2)

  • Grapes (2 cups)

  • Pomegranate (1 cup)

  • Spinach (4 cups)


  • First, take 1 medium-sized apple.

  • Take 4 stalks of celery and juice it too.

  • Take 1 or 2 cucumbers to add a refreshing taste.

  • Add 2 cups of grapes to add a bit of sweetness to the juice.

  • Add 1 cup of pomegranate arils and then add 4 cups of spinach to make a perfect juice.

Process all ingredients through a juicer/blender, shake and serve

5. Happy Juice:

This juice is termed as happy juice for its effectiveness against depression. Carrots contain a powerful antioxidant called beta-carotene, and people with higher levels of this antioxidant are less likely to show symptoms of depression.


  • 6 carrots

  • 3 handfuls parsley

  • 3 handfuls spinach

  • 4 kale leaves

  • 1 red bell pepper


  • First, add carrots and red bell pepper in a blender or juicer.

  • Then, add parsley, spinach, and kale leaves. (you can replace the greens with your own favorites)

Just stir the juice and then enjoy the refreshing drink.


I don’t know about you guys but I would really like to get these shots of positivity. Juicing one’s way out of depression? Bad-ass! Of course, as mentioned earlier, juicing is not a cure. It is more of a helping hand that helps protect your depression from getting so out of hand that you need to rely on medication in the first place and allows your medication to do its best if you do need to rely on it.

Author Bio: Sarah overcame her mental health issues by trying new ways to eliminate depression from her life, like juicing, for instance. Sarah also loves to write blogs and upload them on

How to Choose the Right Fat Reduction Method?

Fat Reduction Method

It is that time of the year again. In a few days, on New Year’s Eve, millions will make a resolution to lose weight this year. And just like that, they’ll lose the motivation to achieve it too. After all, the journey to fat reduction is highly complicated.

According to statistics, in 2018, at least 45% of the population made the resolution to lose weight and get in shape. It was the second most common resolution. This time around, the numbers are expected to be somewhat similar.

Before we head into fat reduction, it is important to understand the different fat types and their functions in your body.

Different Kinds of Fats

There are three basic kinds of fats present in your body:
1. Brown Fat: This acts more like a muscle and is present around the shoulders and neck. This fat burns even when you’re inactive and is usually associated with warmth and protection against the environment.

2. White Fat: This is the most common kind of fat in your body which gives it the shape it has. It lines your hips, thigh, tummy, arms, and breasts (in women). This type of fat can actually be oxidized into energy.

3. Visceral Fat: This is the most notorious kind of fat in your body that develops over time and can be virtually impossible to lose. Visceral fat exists between the tissues of your body. In some areas, like the heart and lungs, the visceral tissue is essential to keep everything functioning properly. In others, like under your abs, this tissue gives you a belly that refuses to get in shape.

All kinds of fats are important in the right quantities. Any imbalance can throw off the goodness of your body shape.

Fat Reduction Techniques

Maybe the real reason you cannot reduce fat is that you’re not using the right method. Here are a few fat reduction methods and their efficiencies.

Well, that makes sense, doesn’t it? Exercise helps you lose fat, get in shape, and become as energetic as you’d like. It actually turns around your life a 180°. It works all over your body, holistically.

However, the results generally take a long time. It takes consistency and effort to make a difference. On the plus side, it is non-invasive, absolutely safe, and appears to work for a vast population. But here’s the catch; some people cannot lose fat around problem areas like the tummy, thigh, neck, and waist no matter how hard they train. For these individuals, CoolSculpting might be the only option.

Diet Plans
Another way to lose fat is through changes in eating habits. There are at least a couple of dozen diet plans being marketed as the only solution for fat loss. These are relentlessly promoted across all channels of communication, each claiming to be the single most-effective remedy.

The truth is, every diet plan is more or less focused on eliminating the body’s dependency on one nutrient and replacing it with another. So you’ll be consuming less of a specific nutrient and more of another. The concept of a balanced diet, although primitive, still seems to offer the highest value.

Diet only works as long as exercise does. In seclusion, dieting can lead to other health problems, particularly if you’re unaware of your body tolerances and you put unnecessary strain on it.

Body Shapers
These might not involve weight/fat loss but they work wonders with shaping the body. Body shapers put a slight strain on your body tissues, reshaping them into your desirable fashion. With regular wear, these can actually help you shape up without lifting a finger!

Ideally, however, you should consult your doctor before using this method. There may be health conditions that would discourage the use of body shapers. Better be safe than sorry!

Surgical Fat Removal

These include liposuction and other invasive fat removal techniques. These involve getting under the skin to pump out and extract fat cells from the body. Whether the experts do it with small incisions or large ones, this surgical fat reduction is discouraged for obvious reasons. There’s always a risk of infection and disease where cuts are involved.

Non-Surgical Fat Removal

As the name suggests, non-surgical fat removal does not involve incisions. CoolSculpting is what you should look for. This method freezes stubborn fat in the problem areas of your body and encourages natural disposal thereof. It is cool (quite literally), simple, and safe. It is quickly gaining traction in the fitness communities and it is beneficial for those who are struggling with problem areas. Get rid of the flab is a safe, cut-free way that yields definite lasting results.

How Much Water Should We Drink A Day

There are so many uses and important things to know about water.It plays a vital role in cleaning up Body.we can survive without food for a week but without water body we cannot live a day.
If water in the body reduced by 1% we become thirsty ,so you can understand the important of water for us.Water is the major important source to human beings or even to any creature in the universe to survive.
To maintain good health one should take water sufficiently
When sufficiently taken Water cleans our body  by removing toxins from the body  ,which may enter into the body while breathing air,eating food and various gases in the pollution and chemicalized products which we use daily.
Body functioning will be in  proper way if it is properly hydrated.

Helps To Reduce Body Fat

One should know the fact that a man with 20kg should drink 1 litre of water daily to meet requirements .
i.e if a person is weighing 60kg weight should drink 3 litres of water to clean body and get hydrated.

Likewise, according to weight of the person one should drink required  water

But remember don't drink excess water because due to excess water intake our kidneys should filter excess amount of water which may lead to kidney failures.

Kindly Care

Water eliminates toxins from the body,and it is a carrier to cells that supplies vitamins minerals and glucose .

Water participates in the biochemical action of what we ate.

It  eliminates body heat also because it has large heat capacity

Its carries out body temperature and helps to maintain body temperature. 

Anti Aging Property

With water it is also possible to get rid off skin ageing effect as it hydrates skin even.

If your skin is becoming then drink water for about 8 to 10 glasses of water daily 

to avoid wrinkles and skin ageing.

Water acts as lubricant around joints

It helps like shock absorber for eyes, brain and functioning of other different organs though it has zero calories

Water also helps to regulate the temperature of body, 

If we drink less water our body signals us with constipation,terribly dry skin,and increased incidence of urinary tract infections and reoccurring headaches.
water is useful for your body to cushion your joints  as it carries oxygen and nutrients into all your cells.


A popular way to reduce fever is to take a bath in cool water. 

This helps bring down your entire body temperature, thus reducing fever. 

The use of water in this manner is called hydrotherapy.

It decreases obesity ,headaches, kidney stones,hair fall.

It plays a vital role in reducing body heat in medication caused by using antibiotics and different types of pain killers .
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