Can I Share My CBD Oil with My Dogs?

Can I Share My CBD Oil with My Dogs?

Nowadays if you mention the word herbal remedy and holistic treatment, a lot of people’s ears will burn. This has become such a big topic in society that it has gone all the way around 360 degrees in conversations and ended up with the debate about Hemp, and its extracts. But it does not stop there, now people are wondering if it’s any good to give their pets the same CBD Oil as they themselves take. In other words, is pet CBD the same as the one made for humans?

And we are here to put the record straight.

Both humans and animals are known to have an endocannabinoid system (ECS). Known as an important physiological system that maintains overall health and wellbeing. This system has related receptors related which are found throughout the human and animal body. Feel free to learn about this process on this website.

And so, because we both have this similar system, studies have shown that the effects of CBD are felt in both in the same way.

The system is accountable for a few of the below body functions in both humans and some animals:

  • Muscle movement

  • Digestive system function

  • Balance and coordination

  • Mood regulation

  • Appetite

  • Memory

Pet Specific Products

There are several pet-specific products on the market such as pet tinctures or treats specifically for dogs and you can see more here. But the question is, is are these products similar in nature to the ones we consume? The thing to remember here is, when manufacturers design something specifically for pets, they mean for it to be that way, but it is not always the case.

For instance, when they produce dog treats, they may include substances such as flavours like bacon or blueberry to help entice the pet into eating it. it is safe to say that something like CBD oil however, is very similar for both pets and humans. Unless the ingredients say otherwise, you can give your pet the same oil that you would consume daily yourself, and it will not harm it.

Truth is a lot of pet owners’ experiment with it and their pets (in a good way), by adding it to their daily food or on their tongue directly as a tincture and sometimes as a spray to get rid of bugs too. None of them has complained about any diverse effects, so far.

The Conclusion

The logical explanation here is, when giving your pet anything that you may be consuming yourself (besides drugs and alcohol or similar substances, which you should never give them), the common sense thing to do is to give them a little bit to try initially and wait a day or two to see if there has been any change in behaviour. With the CBD oil, the same thing applies – start with a drop every day; one for you and one for him, and gradually increase it to two a day and then two drops two times a day and so on, and so forth to see how it works.

It is one thing to take your pet out for walks and the occasional ball throw, but it’s another sharing your health routine with it as well. He will appreciate you for it and the two of you will be batter off for it!

In fact, according to the WHO 9World Health Organisation) this natural product has been known to be well-tolerated and safe for animals when ingested. Feel free to access this study here https://www.who.int/medicines/access/controlled-substances/5.2_CBD.pdf. Do be careful though, if your not sure what ingredients are going into your CBD oil or product and may not know if it is good for your pet as well, ask your vet and do an online search for it, there must be tons of reviews or a website that can tell you whether the product has any ‘harmful to pets’ additives like sugar or most artificial flavouring.

Administering the drops should be a very careful thing, because it will depend on a few factors such as the dog's size or any underlying conditions it may have, so it is always advisable to follow the professional opinion of an expert in the field and please do not use your dog as a guinea-pig.

The Different Ways of Consuming CBD Oil

The Different Ways of Consuming CBD Oil

You've probably heard of CBD oil, which contains a lot of benefits suitable for human consumption. With the many benefits and the fact that it isn't psychoactive, it's grown in popularity and many people have begun taking it in oil form! Besides its health benefits, there are also a variety of ways on how to take it.

But how exactly can you take it and how much should you consume? Read on as I show you the different ways of consuming CBD oil and more advice on taking it here!

How Much CBD Oil to Use?

So, how much CBD is best for all of us?

Everyone is different, with there being a lot of variables as to how much CBD you need. Age, weight, metabolism, environment, as well as the type of CBD you get, are just some of the few things to consider. The best way to start off with is the standard serving, which is 25mg of CBD, taken twice a day (take note that children or pets require less than this amount).

You might want to start off small first and observe its effects. Recording your daily experiences and what happens after taking the CBD will help you see if you need less or more than the serving you're giving yourself now. It's better to test it out yourself and find what works and feel best for YOU.

The Four Different Ways of Consuming CBD Oil

There are different ways on how to consume CBD oil, depending on what you want from it.

1. Directly In Your Mouth

If you want fast relief, then I recommend the sublingual method. This means placing a drop of oil under your tongue for a minute before swallowing it.

Doctors recommend this most for fast relief, as the CBD would pass through your skin under the tongue and go straight to the bloodstream. As a result, it makes its way to your brain and body, giving you the quick effects. This is best used for those who want relief from stress, migraines, or pain.

But if you want it to last longer, then placing it directly in your mouth and swallowing it immediately works, too.

2. Inhalation and Steaming

Inhaling the CBD oil through steaming or smoking is best for those who are already experienced with vaping. Teaching non-smokers or children how to do this is a bit complicated, which is why it's best for experienced smokers for you to fully consume the CBD.

Inhaling CBD is actually one of the most efficient ways to deliver the CBD into your body. More of the CBD enters your bloodstream compared to other methods, taking a few hours for it to pass out of your bloodstream.

You can either steam CBD oil in a vaporizer or purchase e-juice that contains CBD.

3. Topical Application

If you're looking for a way to relieve pain from scratches, scars, or other forms of inflammatory pain and wounds, then applying CBD oil just as you would lotion and creams are quite effective.

But do take note that this method only works on your uppermost layer of cells. CBD will not enter the bloodstream so it's best for those who want external effects, such as pain relief, wound healing, or healthier skin.

You can find CBD oil-infused topical application products available. There are shampoos, moisturizers, creams, and soaps that contain hemp and CBD oil just for this use!

4. Mixing It With Food or Drinks

This is the easiest way for beginners to consume CBD oil. It's also best for children and pets so they don't detect the oil when ingesting it! This method is recommended for longer effects, just like swallowing it completely.

I like mixing CBD oil with my morning coffee for immediate and longer effects throughout the day. For my little one, I place a drop or two of it in their breakfast. While it does take a bit longer for the effects to kick in, it will last for the entire day, giving you the benefits needed!

Wrapping It Up

Since there are a ton of ways to consume CBD oil, it can get quite confusing as to which is best. However, there's no best way to do it, as it depends on your preference and what works for you. As long as you take the right amount, you can experience the many health benefits it has to offer.

Hopefully, these ways of consuming CBD oil gave you an idea of what you should do. So start checking out quality CBD oil to purchase today! If you want to save up, I used coupon codes of CBD pure for CBD oil, which has given me amazing discounts.

Do you have any questions or want to share your tips and experiences on taking in CBD oil? Then comment below. Your thoughts are much appreciated. 

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